Peace on Earth: z69 In the next place, to give a few directions to How to main- maintaine this peace a&uaIly, and continually tame this peace every day. Towalke with God, and tokeepour Watthfulner. daily peace with God, it requires a great deale ofwatchfulneffe, over our thoughts, for he is a Spirit; over our words andactions : watchfulnes is the,preferver ofpeace; where there is a great di- fiance, betweene two that are at peace, it is not kept without acknowledgementofthatdiffance, andwithoutwatchfulneffe : it is not here as it is in a peace that is betweene two Kings, that are coordinate onewithanother, but it is apeace be- tweene the Kingofheaven , andRebels , that are taken tobe fubjects , therefore we mull walke in humble low tearmes , humble thyfelfe and walke frith thy God; we muff watch over our carriage, that wedoe not grieve the Spirit ofGod: for then how-ever the firfl peace ffablifhed in converfion, fhould be never taken away, yet God interdicts our comfort, wee cannot daily enjoy our daily peace,.without watchfulneffe but God Puffers our know ledge, and our formerillumination, to lathour confcience,and to be more mìferable in our inward man , than a carnall man that never had fight ofgoodneffe ; oh the mileryofa man, that is fallen into ill tearmeswith God, that had peacebefore,ofall men f ch a manpath mollhor- tour , till he have triada his peace againe,watch_ fulneffe will prevent this. And becaufeit is a difficultthing to maintains tearcncs ofpeace with God, in regard ofour in- Renewing our , difpoltion, we fall into breaches with God dai. C°`'`' "ß'1G° T4 I