( 2.7o ' "Team on Earth ...._----- 3 Prayer to God. Phip 4. 4 Good imploy ment. ly, thereforewee fhould often renewour cove- nants, and purpofes every day. And ifwee have fallen into any finde, let us makeu fe ofour greatpeace-maker, drift, who is in heaven to makepeacebetweene Godandus,let usdefrre God for his fake , tube reconciled unto us, for God is in Chrifi, reconciling us unto him Rill, the fruit of Chrifis death remaines flill, let usdefirehim, to telifie it untous by his ho. ly Spirit. And take that direFion of the Apoflle, in Philip.4. Whenwe find any trouble inthe world, not to trouble our fè ves over-much : fnnothing be carefull, &c, No, (hall wecafl away all care Cal your care upon God , let yonr revels be made knowne to God with thanke(giving, let your prayers be made to God, and let him have his tributeof thankefgiving, for what you have received already. What then ? The peace of God that pa/Jethallunderflanding, fballkeepeand preferve your hearts and minds inChrifldefiu: perhaps we (hall not havewhat we pray for, when we have made our requefts_knowne to God, ifwee have not that we pray for prefènt!y, yet we (hall have thepeace of God , that paffeth all underfi:anding, (hall keepe our hearts and mindes ; therefore whenany thing troubles us, let us confider there is peace made betweene God and us ; and put tipour requefis in the Nameof Chrifl, and wee (hall finde that peace that paffeth underflan- ding. Again; ifwewould maintaine this peace, let uS