Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Peace o» Earth. a i71 us be alway doing fame-what_that is good, and pleating to God : in the farne Chapter, Phil.4. 8. Finally Brethren, whatfoever thingsare honeft, what_ foever things arejut#, rthatfoever things arepure &c. Think thefeofthings,and what then?The Godofpeaee /óaíí be with you , The peace of God and the God of pace fhall be with you : there muffbe a thinkingofwhatfoever is good , the thoughts chuff be exercifed thatway, and theremuff bea pra&ice ofthat we thinke of; this is one meanes tomaintaine thispeace with God. Thevery Hea- then had this reward of God, (I meane) in this life, that when they didgood to their Country, and one to mother they had content of con- fcience, they had a peace futable. For in this world,there isa futable pleafureofconfcience $t contentment upon every thing that is good,God rewards it in thisworld:for as the heat followeth the firealwav,naturally itcannotbewithoutheat; fo the thinking and praclifing of that which is good,efpeciallywhen itis joyriedwith fomeop. pofition of corrupt nature,when the light ofna- ture is above the corruptionofnature.ifamanbe a Pagan,he (hall have this reward in this world,a kindofinward peace : for we fee, how comforta- bly they fpeakefometimes , upon fome notable performance for their Country. Now, the God ofpeacewill bewith us muchmore,whenwehave laid the foundation of-our peace aright, in the mercyofGod inChril?, befideswhat is refe,ved, heaven and happines; in thisworld,we (hall find thepeaceofGod,in thedoing that which is good. As Philip. 4.8.