Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

272 Motive toun- regenerate men to-get, peace. Peace on Earth: As for thofe that live in the Church, and are not yet in the flare of grace , that have lived wicked lives, let them confider,that yet theday of grace continues , as yet the Scepter of mercy is held forth : in the Miniftery , there is aday of Jubily for them , to returne from their former captivity; let them not abufe the patience of God, and thinke todoe it afterward, for that is the way toharden the heart moreand more.And this Scripture puts an effe&uall argument, into the hearts ofall that are in ill termes with God, that havenot made their peace, or that have had peace, and have broken it; here is an effeaualI wayofpleadingwith God:Glory toGodon high,&c. If the foule can fay, I confider my folly, and madneffe, in running into finite, thou mighteft manly damne me,ifthou wouldfr;it is thymercy, I am riot Pent tohell : oh I but thou (halt have the greater glory : if I find mercy therefore that I may fay,Glory toGodon high; letme findepeaceon earth, fpeake peace by thy Spirit to my foule, fay,/ am thyfalvation. This was theend ofthy fen- dingofchriff, the endof Creation, the endof Providence, all to !wing theeglory : thou migh- reft have theglory ofthy Juftice todamneme ; oh.! but it will be the gloryof thy mercy to fave me, that as my fns-have abounded, fo thy glory flail more abound. Oh Lord,extend thebowels ofthy mercy, will not the Lordbe jealous ofhir glory,when you alleage it? certainelyhewill,you fee the Angels herecrie, Glory to Godonhigh, peace on earth : theway to bringpeace,' is to alleadge the