Peace on Earth. 2.73 the gloryofGods mercy inChrft, it is a prevai- ling way. Now,toRirieus up more andmore, to fearcli the grounds ofour peace I befeech you, let us confider the fearefull effateof a man that bath not made hispeace withGod, however Chrifthave dyed, that will not ferve the turne ; but if thrift be food , if-he be not eaten , ifhe be a garment, and not be put on , if thrift be afoundation if we doe not build onhim, what benefit is it to us? Therefore thofe that havenot beenbrought bythe Spirit ofGod,tocommun ion with thrift, alas, they are under the wrath ofGod , however God loth ufe them , as Princes doeTray tors in the Tower, hegives them the Iiberty-ofthepri- fon, yet the fentence of death is not revoked ; all the delights of a Prifoner in the Tower, doth not contenthim , he knowes he is in ill tearmes withhis Prince : fo til l wee have made our peace with God, by heartyconfeffionofour fumes, by fhaming ofour felves by a particuY lar faith,beleeving the forgiveneffe of our finnes, anda.refolution againft all firne, for the time tocome, alas wee have not feed out our par. dson, all our delights arebut asthole ofa prifo- ner ìn the Tower. Therefore, aske thy foule haft thou feedout thypardon ? is there recon- ciliation wrought betweene God and thee , and accounts made even ? Ifwe contefieand forrake our fnnes,we(hallfindmcrcy;it is the Wordofthe God ofheaven, who is truth it felfe, hebath pawned his fidelity and truthon it , to forg(ve us , ifwee confeffe To ftirreus up to fearch the grounds of this peace. I The danger without it.