Z74 In refpcaof God. Z Chrift. Pfal. z. 3 The Ho1ya Gheft. 4 Creatures Peace on Earth. con feffe, bee is content tobe thought unju(l and u nfaithfull, ifhe doe not forgive, ifwee inge_ nuoufly without all guileof fpirit, lay openour finnes, and take ïhame toour (elves. Ifweedoe not makeour peace with God, what a cafe are we in ? God himfelfe ere long, will appeareour enemy, Chrift,whomwe thinkewill faveus, will beour Judge, anda terribleJudge, the Lambe will beangry 1 Who (hall cover asfrom the wrathof theLamiie? we thinke ofChrift , as an innocent meekeLambe onely, that will not be angrie. The rebellious Kings and Potentates, that fight againft Chrift and his Church, they thinke to trample on chrift and his Gofpell; but the timewill come , when they (hall defire the moun- taines to cover them, and if his wrath be kindled, Pfal. 2. whofhall abide it z hee fpeakes there of Chriji, Happyare they that trufi inhim. As for the Holy-Ghoff , how can they looke for comfort from him ? they have grieved him, therefore bee will grieve their confcience. The Holy- Ghofl,ashe is theGodofall comfortand confo. lation, fo he is thegroundofall terrour towic. ked men, when hebath knocked at their hearts, by the miniflery of his Word to open, and to let him in, but they would nor. And the An gels are ready executioners ofGods vengeance, upon anyoccafion : and others creatures wayte but for a command from God, toexecute his wrath upon fnners, the heavens are ready ro raine upon them, as in the flood, and theearth is ready to fwallow them, as it did Corab ; the beafls