Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

"Peace an Earth. 2.75 beafts thatcarryus, thecreatures wee ufe, Waite for a command from God to deftroy us, our meáte, to choakeus, the ayre to infect us, the s water to drowne us , they are all ready to ferve the Lordof Hofts, againfthis enemies, as hee faith ,Way 1.Ahbrill be avenged on mine enemies. Indeed here God fheuwes his-patience : and our long life , that we thinke a great favour : It is a treafiringup ofwrath, againJt the day ofwrath : and then when Gods wrath comes', at the day of Judgement , when God path foifaken finfull men, when God the Judgeofall, bath faid,de- part ye curled, no creature (hail miniftcrthem the leaft comfort, the Sunne (hall fhine upon them no more , the earth flail beare them-no longer, aswee'fee Dives, hee had-not a drop of water to comfort him in thole flames; therefore if weebe notat peace with the Lord ofHofts, every -creature is ready to be in armes againft us. As for the Devils , they will be ready to be t'ormentocs,thèythat are incentives to finne,w ill be tormentors for finne afterwards. As for the Church , what comfort can a wic- ked man looke for from the Church , whom he bathdefpifed', andwhofe Miniftery hehath re. And for the damned fpirits they are all in that curfed condition, with himfelfe, therefore where jhall the ungodly appeare ? ere long whence (hall hee hope for comfort ? neither from God ; nor Angels, nor Devils, nor wicked men, nor good r_fayr; De'ils. a The Church.;ÿ 7 Damned fpi.. tits.