z76 Peace on Earth: Exhortation tomake our peace. Happincffe of him that is at peacewith God. Afiaions fanaified to thole that arc at peace with God. Difference of men in trouble. PJai. tt x. good men, none of them all will yeeld hire a dram of comfort. Let us not therefore delude our felves , but get intoChrlfl, get into the Arke in time, that when any publike calamity fha11 come , wee may be fafe in chrifi, if wee be at peace with God, by repentance of finnes and by faith in Chrifl' , every thing will rninifter thoughts of comfort tous ; we cannot thinkeof God, but as our Father, ofchri.f& as our Redeemer, and recon- ciler, that bathbrought God and us together, the Holy-Ghoul takes uponhim the termeofa comforter for fuch ; Angels, they are miniftring Spirits ; as for the Church it felfe, Gods peo- ple, they all have a common flocke of prayers for us, everyone that faith , Our Father, thinks of us, and all other things , they are at peace withus, as lob faith", The [tones in thefireet, nay the ftone in a mans body, the terrible pangs that comes from that difeafe, they havea blef- fing upon them; in the greateft extremities, a foule that is at peace with God, however God doe not deliver him from the trouble, yet he de- Iivers and fupports him in the trouble, and as the troubles increafe, fo his comforts increafe, and thevery troubles themfelves arepeacewith him, all worke for the belt to them that love God. And in the greateft confufions and tumults ofStates, yet the righteow is ef]raid ofno illtydings, Pfal,i z2. Becaufe his heart is fixed upon Gods love in Chriff. Thewicked, when warre and defolation, and lignes of Gods anger appeare from heaven,' they