Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Peace on Earth. 2.77 they (bake as the trees of the Farrel!, as a wicked Ahaz, 'fay 7. as Belfhazzer, when there is but a feareoftrouble;how did heknow that the hand- writing was againft him ? it was nothing but this naughtyconfcience , bee knew not what it was, till it was expounded ; fowhen any trou- bles comes upon wickedmen, their confciences upbraid them with their former life, their knees knocke together, and they grow pale as Bel fhaz. zar. oh the mifery of a man, that bath not made hispeace with God in the evill day , arid the comfort ofa man that bath ! there is thed if ference betweene godly, andungodly man, cone Eider them in calamities, the one is at peace with God, in the middeft ofall calamities and trou- bles, nay ,'as I Paid, even troubles them felves are peaceable to him, Yea whendeath comes, which is the upfhot ofall , the flingofit is taken away, and it is for our greateft good : he that bathmade his peace with God, bee can fay with old Simeon, Lord, now let thyfervant depart in peace for mineeyes have feene thy falvation ; nine eyes have feene Chrifi with theeye offaith, he is willing toyeeld his foule to God , becaufe he is at peacewith God, their graves are their bed , and their foules refit with God, they dye in peace and commend theirfoules to cod, as to afaithful Creator, with a great deale ofconfidence as Saint Paul faith, I have fought the good fight, 1 have kept thefaith, I have runne my race henceforth is refereed for nie a Croarneofrighteoufneffe, and notfor me onely, but for Cûnídenceof Chriflians in death..