Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

2.78 Peace on Earth. Comfort after death. forall thofe that love the idefedandgloriossi appear ing ofChrL oh thd comfort ofa gracious foule,'in the honre of death , that bath made its peace with God : when theKing offeares, death , looke with a gaftly terrible looke upon men, that havenot made their peace ; but to the other, it is theend ofmifery , tl3einlet to eternalllap- pineffe , Blefred are tkore that dye in the Lord, in he peaceof the Lord , They refi from their labours, from the labour offinne , ofcallings, ofaffliai- ons there is no telling till then. Saint Paul himfelfewas troubled with the remainders of finne, with affliffions, and troubles of his cal- ling, but bleffed are they that dye in the peace of God in Chri Ft , they reft from their labours. And after death ,whatcomfort are thofe in, that have made their peace with God in Chrifl ? then their Saviour is to be their judge, bee that makes interceffion for them in heaven, will be their Judge, and will the head give fentence againa the members , the Husband, againft the Wife and Spoufe.? oh no; therefore the god- lyhave comfortableand fweet thoughts of thofe bleffed times,thatafionitleth wicked men,they have a glorious expe&ation of the times to come, they cannot thinkeof death and judge- ment when their foules are ina good frame) without much comfort ; Lift up your heads, for _your redemptiondraws neere Therefore let us not .conceive height!), of this peace, it is nota free, .dome from petty ills, and an advancement to .3 little good , but it is a freedome from ills, that INIMME1110.11