Good will towards men. Z79 that areabove nature,from the wrathofGod,be- forewhich, nocreaturecan ftand, no,not the An- gels themfelves, from hell anddamnation, the curie of God, from the Kingdome of Satan, it is a freedome from that condition, that all the powers of the world fhall tremble at : how can they ftand before theAnger ofGod z and it is an advancement to the greateft good , a freedome from bondage, an advancement to Son-íhip; therefore let us have high thoughtsof this peace, as theAngels had, when they fang, Glory to God on high, on earthpeace. Goodwill towardsmen, Divers Copies have it otherwife, on Earth peace to men ofgood will; fome have it; Good will towards men the fence is not much different : Peace on earth,To menofGodsgoodmill,o fGodsgood pleafure; that Godbath a pleafure to fave, orgood will towardsmen, of Gods good pleafure, Peaceon earth, tomen of Gods good will and pleafure, or Gods goodpleafuure towards men. Goodwill towards men, This is the fpring androute ofall : the Angels begin with, Glory to God, and then they come to peace among men , becaufe without peace and re- conciliationwith God, the heart of mancannot be inlarged toglorifie God : the Angels would have men glorifie God, as well as themfelves, V therefore