z8o Good will towards men therefore they delire p eace on earth that God Peace comes from grace. may be glorified in heaven. Now there is no peace, but iWues fromgrace, grace is Gods free goodwill andpleafure, therefore theAngels fay, Goodwill towards men. The holy Apoltles, they. could not have bet- ter teachers for their falutations in their Epi_ files, then to learneofthe Angels, as you have Saint pains Prefaces:, the fame with this Evan- gelicall celebration , and gratulation here to men , Grace, mercy, andpeace; fo here, Peace on earth , good mill towards men; onely the Apoftles they begin, Grace and peace, and here the Angels, Peace andgrace ; but the meaningof the Angels and Apoftles., is all one : for the Angels, when they with peace on earth, they goe to the fpring ofit, Good will towards menthe Apoftles, they begin with grace., the fpring, and then goe to peace after. Good-will towards men. The words need not further tobe explicated' there is no great difficulty in them, the points con fiderableare thefe. Godnow bathagraciousgoodwilltowards men. Thifgoodwill, is thefoundationofallgood. 3 And this isfounded upon chrift. The firft ofthefe I will but touch, becaufe it Both but makeway to theother. Godfheavesnowgoodpleafüre towards men. The love that God beares towards man, bath divers termes, from divers relations , as it is a propenfion Gods good pleafureto men.