Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

2. 8L Gods good will, the ground ofall good. Gods love independent, Dent.7. 8. Covenant of grace, Good will towardsmen. hee can, becaufe hee loves . the very nature of man , but. I,paffe from this point to the fe- cond. Thiséaoyíu, Goodwill of God, to reftore lapfed man, by the fendingofhis Sonne, is the ground , ofall good toman , and hath no ground but it, felfe. Gods graceand love to the creature, is alto- gether independant, in regard of the creature, God fe tcheth not reafons of his love from the creature, but from his o4vne, bowels. What can he forefee in perlons that were dead ? nay, inperlons' that were in acontrary ,difpoftion to goodnefl'e?there is nothingbutenmity inourna- ture,tofupernaturall goodneffe,canGod forefee groundsof love inenmity ? As Mofes tels the people of Ifrael in divers places, Deut. 7. and 8. That it was not forany forefight ofgood in them they were the flub- borneit people, underheaven ; therefore God, to Chewhis free love,, bee chofe a ftubborne peo- ple, and Tingled them out tobe the objé6t of his mercy : fo Godoftimes takes'theunlikelieft men- n the world andpafïeth by many, other wife of tweeze natures : fo wee fee even the meanes themfelves, they areof Gods free,mercy and love. We.have whatfoeverwehave,bvverrue ofthe Covenant : ,for what could wee l.00ke for from God but in Covenant, wherein he bath bound himfelfe ? now lince the fall, this Covenant is called, the,C;ovenant ofgrace : That-now, ifwwe.b& lieve