84 Good will towards men; and give him theglory of all it is eafily fpoken and heard, but not foeafily done, for mannatu- rally is proud, and for fleíh and bloud , to bee brought to goe out of it felfe, and acknowledg nothing in it (elfe, to give the glory ofall good- nelle, and happine.{fe to Gods freegrace, and goodneffe, it is hard tobring .proud nature to doe this; but we muff begge graceof God, to workeout hearts to this,moreand more,to emp- tyour felves of our felves , and togive God the glory of all : But, I come to the laft point, becaufe I wouldend this text at this time. Godsofree love Thisfree loveizndgraceof God, is onely in Chrifl:" onely In Ciotti. Therfore the Angels pronounce it now at the birthof Chrift Good will tomen. All there agree very well,, Chrtfi free grace, andpith. Forwhat wee have by grace, wee have onely by Chrift , becaufe he bath given farisfa&ion to Gods 1u- Rice, that fograce may be conveyed, and deri- ved unto us without prejudice to any otherAt- tribute in God, 'and then tire imbraceing power, and grace inus is faith fo there" three agree, I fay, whatfoever wee have from Gods free love now, wee have it in Chriff the free love of'God is grounded in Chrit; wee in our felves,efpecial- lyconfidered in the corrupt mafle, cannot bee the obje1l of Gods love, God- cannot looke upon us, but in him, the bell beloved fitft"; therefore all is Chrifi, in the carri ageof it, wee are eleaed inchrif,called in ChriJt,juflified by chrift