Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Good will towards men. z3g Chrift,fane}ified by the Spirit ofCbrift,glorified indrift : We are blefedwith411 fpírituall hidings, inheavenly things inChri.. This is mybeloved Sonne, I amwellpleated inhim, it is the fame word there, wa600-d; Inwhom Idelight, Ifay, 42. Out of which the Father takes his fpeech, This is the sonneIde- light in. Now, all Godsdelight, is firft fixed in his Sonne, and in us, becaufe wemuft havecom- munion with the Sonne : fo thefirft obje& of Gods free love is Chrift, and then he lookes upon us inhim. The Trinityhave a wondrous complacencie in lookingupon mankind.: now in thrift, God lovesus,as redeemedby ehrilf,Chrift loves usas eleF edby the Father, and given by the Fathers choyce, tohim to redeeme; the Holy Ghoft hath a fpeciall liking to us, as feeing the love of the Fatherin chufing us , and of the Son in redeeming us. And furely ifwee would fee like, wife, thofe fweet-interviewes, of God the Fa- ther, Sonne, and Holy Ghoft , it i1 ould be our maine delight too, to fee how God bath cho- fen us, andgiven us to Chri. i to fave; how Chrifi hash redeemed cis, from this very refpef , that the Father hath chofen us, and given us tohim, as it is in John 17. Thine th y were, thougave i them robe T y` me, and how the Holy Gho(l: is afpiritof com- munion, the Communion of the Holy Ghoft, that hath communionwith the Father, and the Son , and Mlles, and proceedes from them both how he witnefíeth this love to our foúles, and ap- plies it to us; the Holy Ghoi applies all the V 4. Father