Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

2.86 Goodwill towards men. Father decreed and ordained all the Sonne workcsand difpenfethall ; the confrderationof the point is wondrous comfortable. What (Dever good will the Father bath to us, it is as we are in thrift. WhyGods And why in Chrifi? lo+e ro us is in Becaufe (brig is the firft thing that Godcan . ann. love, bee is theonelybegotten Sonne of God , whofoever is loved to glory in a fpirituall.order, is loved in the firft beloved : Chrif is loved of Goa, as the charaéter of his owne image : the Sonne reprefents the Father, he is lovedofGod, as Mediator byoffice, foGod lookes upon us in Chrifl, as the Bonne of hi.r love, fo he is called by CO4r' Saint Paul, Coloff. I, Then if we confider our (elves, this muft bee fo, alas,we are not objetsof Gods love in our fèlves,, nor cannot be , but in tome other that is loved firft,. for what are we ? and what is the glory towhich God loves us ? To love fuch as wee, to fuch glory, and to free us from fuch mi fery due, itmutt beby another foundation then our felves,therefore Godsgood pleafure is foun- dedupon his Son Chrift : this is aclearepoint the Scripture beates much upon it, bee is our elder brother, and wee muff bee conformed to Yfe, To make fome ufe of it. rl,en,ifcry of Firft ofall then we fee here, that all that are manBut of not-in civil lye open to the vengeance, Çhrifì. 1 Y p and wrathofGod:his good wil towards men,is only inChrif R_ : Again;