I 88 Goodwill towards men: his owne Sonne, as to us, ifwe continuemem- bers of his Sonne, it is an undefeafable love: it is a point ófwondrouscomfort, what jhall fepa- °` $' rate us (faith the Apoftle, Rom. 8.) from the love of Godfounded in Chris ,2 neither thingsprefen t,nor things to come, nor life, nordeath, nor anything ., ma- ny things may fever the foule, and body, but there is nothing in the world ,'but finse, that (hall fever, either foule or -body from the love of God inChriß, becaufe both body and foule, are members ofchrift, therefore let us tre'afure it up, asa point wondrous comfortable. How to know To come to an ufe of tryall, how (hall wee Gods'love-to know whither Godsgoodwill be to us inChrifig Us' or no ? how (hall I know that he loves my per- fon, that lam, in the flareofgrace and lovewith him: The Holy The Holy Ghoff mutt afcertaine this : for as Gdalove. tl the worke of falvation was fo great, that onely ' God could fatisfie God, Co the doubts of mans heart, and the guiltofhis confcience, when it is uponhun, and the feare of Gods wrath, upon juftguilt, is fuch, that God muff awe him, that God is reconciled tohim, God the Sonne muff reconcile God the Father, and God the'ho- ly Ghof#, tuft feale and afcertaine this to the foule. The foulewill never bee quiet, before it feeand know, in particular , God reconciled in Chrift; the Spirit that is God,that is abwe con- fcience, mu`t foie it to the Soule,'b ing above confcience, he can fet dowvne and qu iet our con, fcience.Nox this Spirit that worketh this-in Lis, .and