Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Pjal. 5t. Goad frill toro triéis: fice, nvith which God is well pleafed is it fo ? then they will feeke out, that that may pleafe him ; God byhis Spirit will worke in them a difpofi- tion, to pleafe hire in all things, therefore the people of God,are fail , to bee a voluntary, free people, zealous of goodtvorLes, being fetat liberty, the Spirit infu fing and conveying the love, and good pleafure of God in Chrift to them, it fets their wits at liberty, to devife to pleafe God in all things, they have as David prayes I?fal. 51. Afreespirit.As God,not out ofany refpeet from us, but freely from his owne bowels loved us, and gave Chrift tous, and delighted in us, fo the foule freelywithout anybale refpeEts, loves God againe. Thofe therefore that doe duties for bale aymes, and forced, as fireout ofa flint, not as water out ofa fpring, that dutycomes not naturally and fweetly from them , God bath no pleafure in them,becaufe they have none in God, but the good theydoe is extorted, and drawne from them. Let us try our felves therefore, if wee have rafted Gods goodwill towards us, we will have agoodpleafure to him againe, whatfoever is Gods pleafure (ball beour pleafure, what plea- fethhim, (hall pleafe us. If it pleafehim to ex- ercife us with croffes,and affhietions. and loffes, what pleafeth God thall pleafe me, for whenhe bathonce loved me freely in Chrift, every thing that conies from him, taftes of that free love, if hee correer me, it is out of free love and mer- cie, all the rrayes ofGod are mercy and truth, his wayl