Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

2. 92, Greatnefc of fin hinUcrs notGods love. Tohave a good conceit o God. Goodwill towardsmen. rit to inableme to fee my (fate by nature, and to get out of it,by calling my felfe upon Gods love in Chris. And obje&not thegreatnefl'eof any finne,to binder thecomfort of Gods mercy, it is a free mercy, the ground of it is from himfelfe, and not from thee. It was free to Manafes, that had finned, no man more, being a King, and be- ing the fónne ofa good father, his finnes fpread further then ours can do,, anfwerable to the greatneflie ofhis perfon ; being an infinite and freemercy, it extends to the greateft (inners: let noman pre tend any finne or unwortuineffe,if he ferioutly repent , ifany finne or unworthineffe could keepe it Backe, it were fomething, but it is a free mercy and love fromGods ownebowels in Chrift. And confider howGod offers this in the. Gof- pel, and layes a command, it is thy duty tohave a good conceit ofGod in Chrift:We ought not to fufpeó a man that is anhoneft man, and with God take it wel at our hands to fufpe6t him,that he is,fo and fo?he maks a thewofhis love &mer- cy in Chrift, but perhaps he intends it not: put it out ofqueftion bybelieving : ifthou havegrace to believe the'rnercy of God in. Chrift, thou ma- keff thy felfea memberofChrili, and anheìreof heaven : thou queffionift, whetherthoubee one that Chriif dyed for, orno ? believe in him , and obeyhim, and thouputteft that queffionout of queftion : thou doubteff whether God love thee or no?calf thy felfupon the loveof God in Chrif , and