Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Good u ill towardsmena and then it is out of queflion : whofoever hash grace, to cafe hìmfelfe upon the free loveofGOJ, lie fulfils the covenant ofgrace : Claud not di (pú. ting andwrangling, butdeliire grace to obey, and then all quettions concerning thy eternal! eftate, are refolved, all is cleare. Ifthefe things will not moveyou, then let all men know, that live in a finfull condition , that they had better have lived 'în any part of tl:e world, then in thefe glorious times, and places oflight : for when they heárë "the love ofGod in Chri. , laidopen to them, ifthey will come in, and receive Chr J, and calf them felvesupon him, andbe ruled byhi , and theywill nor, it (ball be eafier for. sóda)ree andGoodrhal for Jeìves andTurkes and Pagans , and thefe that wor(hip Devils, then for us : forwhen Godoffershs free love and mercy inClàrift, ifwe will entertaine it, and thewill none of thenOffice alone (hall not condemneus , but mercy (hall coidemneus ;wee will noneofmercy. There is not thewor ft man, but would have pardoning mercy ; bee is content tohave God pardon his finne, but het will not take the whole mercy, and loveof God inChrifi, curing, healingmercy : there are thole that live in filthy courfes in prophaneneffe, in fovea_ ring,gzc. it is food to them tobe malicious , to deprave the bell things Serpents feed on poy_ fon. They arecontent tohave their fumes pardo- ned, if God will let their filthy nature alone, their poyfonfull ,blafphernous difpofition, that exalts it felfeagainft cod, and ;et themgoe on in their. z93 I Danger of ncgleBeing Gods offer. Miflake in ap- plying Gods met cy.