Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

2.94 __---- Study Chrift daily. good tovArds met their courfe they will haveone mercy, but not another; butwee (hall never be faved without entire mercy , healing as well, as pardoning, whom God loves, hee doth not onely pardon their fames , but heales their nature, and makes it like unto Chrifts,holy andpure. Thole that havenot the Spirit in them deli- ring, altering, and changing ,andhealinggrace, as well as pardoning grace, they are hypo- crites. Let us remember this efpecially, becaufe it is moft ufefull, and molt men are deceived in this , they thinke, oh God is merciful] , and his love is free in Chrift, and though 1 beunworthy, yet Godwill have mercy upon me;but haft thou, a fecret defire, to partakeofGods whole mercy andlove, to make thee good as well as tomake thee his fonne, and intitle thee to .heaven, to have thy nature altered , to fee the deformity of finne, and the beauty of grace ? ifthou hadit ra- ther to have the ImageofGod upon thee, more then any favour in the world, that thou hadfl rather be free from the bondage of finne, then anyother deliverance ? if it be thus, thy flare is good. To haflen,.eon(IderingGods free love, opened now inJefus Chrift, I befeech you, let us Rudy Chrifl,and labour to get intoChrìfl,daily more and more, that wee may be members of Chrifr, ! and defire God, daily more and more, to re- veale himfelfe in Chrift to us , that we may fee his face inChrift , that wee mayknow him , in J the