Good will towards men. the frveet relations , bee hathput on him in the Gofpell. To know God in generali as a Creator , and doing good, &c. the Heathens did that by the light ofnature, but we fhould labour to fee hire in the faceof chrift, that is, to fee him appealed, and lovingus, wihing us well, concerning eter- nal! glory, that mull be by the light ofthe Gof_ pell,and by the Spirit: therfore in hearing ofthe Word, and reading, and meditating, delire God above all, to reveale by his Spirit, his gra- cious face in Chrifl,that in chrifi we may fee him as a Father, as aKiasband as a Fri( n3, in thole fvveet relatiotz,s o f gave that he hath taken upon him.Jt fboul:dhe our daiiydelire ofGod, toma- ni.Iell his, love more tous in Chrift tef:44,then in a- ny other fruits of his love : for there be common fruits, as to give us health, and friends, and 1i. betty, and -quiet governement, whichare great favours, that we fee denyed to many nations : oh : but the foule that is touched with the fpi- ritof God, and the fenceof his owne conditi- on by natúre, is thus difpofed ; Lord I delire, that thouwouldeft (hew the fruits of thy love to me, but I, delire not fo much thole common fruits, that the reprobates may have aswell as I oh ! (hewmeby thy holy fpirit, that thouhaft a particular, and peculiar love ro me inChrifI, and for this end,give me grace toknow the mi fieryof Chrift,more and more, & the my fiery of my natu- ral! corruption ; that.knowl,edge,t_har may dr +ve me tomakemuch ofthy love,and grace in Chrift. X Now 2.9y Beg the 'Spirit of revelation.