Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Good11i3 towards mm. heart more, then any afHi6lion in the world,can call it downe. It is excellent that Mofes faith Dtut. 33. The good pleafure of him that dwelt in the bufh; &c. You know that God appeared in the bulb, when it was flaming the flaming bufh (hewed the flate of Ifrael, in the middeft ofthe Furnace of perfecution, yet notwithflanding, the bu(h was not confumed, why ? becaufe the goodwill of God was in thebu(h; fo let usbe in any perfecution, put cafewee bee like Mofes bulb, all on fire, yet the fire (hall not confume, nor hurt us, why ? the good pleafure ofhim that dwelt in the bufh is withus, in lfai 43. 1will bee with thee in thefire, and in the water, not tokeepe thee out, but Iwill be with thee in it; fo that in the greatefl perfecutions that can be in the fiery tryall, as Saint Peter cals it, the good will ofhim thatdwelt in the bufh, will bee with us, fo thatwee fhall not be confumed,though we bee in the fire; affliticd, but not defraire, why ? the good pleafure of God dwels in the bu(h,in the Church ; in the middeft of afflielions, and perfecutions, bee is with us; who can bee rniferable, that bath the prefence of God, the favour and good will of God ? but this (hall be fufficient for this time, and Text. 0eu1.33. 1141. 43. FINIS.