4 Of the riches of Chrift. ftirre up thefe Cgrinthians, to beneficence, and bounty towards the poorc, h labours to enforce it by many realons, in this,and the next Chap- ter . Man being an underflac ding creawre, God would have what we doe inmatters ofreligion +, ro proceed from principles, becomming men, and chriffians, therefore hee fers us upon duries from reafons: and b :qatffeexfmplestogether with reafcns are very forcible therefore the ApoftIe Ater many ¡ ctbfleeafc to lih cofrh S`3ints ,ilea'° tsyri xan s , 1t of r H adonians t tree pobiçrtepple en the Co- rimhi,ms to wlii3rit he'ApSfilE növAvrote: But beeufe people are no .sfcí'ca nfortably,lead by the exai iile)bte U ls;.o?ii eti4tailiiey4hinke .t a kinde of upbraiding óf thew,. accounting theinfelves as good, or;,bertwr then they:there. fore the Apoflle le^àcres' É thiorring them from the -example of ;,the.. ;c3V.xçedoniags, that ,.were poorer po dpro,pottuds.An 4tnple,beyand .all exceprion.; ctbe_. amplë; Qfa-cÇli rdktsi ' him- Celle ; hee ftirres therm up CO bounty, and goad neffe by the exiniplèof.hitn , who i oodnz íT it fe u e ;:you know the grace' o four .C: o re E s u s C 1.1'1I I S z.whotIoughhe were rtì`hrh'ibré4mepoo e, 6.' c. As if hee fhould have laid , if the exarriple of the poore Macedonians will not rnoove you togivebountifully, yet let the example of oar' S A V I o U R ; bee ivas rich, yet hee became' poore to enrich yea, therefore you Ir,..fl nor !hinke much to bellow fomewhac on his poorc members. Example