Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

01 the Poverty f tbrifi. Examples have a very great force in moo - ving , efpecially if they bee examples of great perfons , and thole that love us , and we them, and that are neare us. The example of C H R I S T it is the example of a great perfon , and one that loves us , and whom wee ought to love againe, therefore the Apoftle propounds that. Hee might have alledged the precept of CH R is T: there are many commands that C i s T gives of bounty, and to the poore ; Bee merciful/ as your heavenly Father is mercifall ; and give freely looking for nothing againe andthe padreyee fhall have alwayes with Yoe . But becaufe example hath a more allureing power , it moves more freely : precepts have a more compelling; force: therefore herein bee followes the ftreame of our difpofition , which rather de- fires to bee eafily drawne , then to bee forced , and prefl'ed , bee brings not thepre - cept but the example of C H R I S T; For yore know the grace o f our L O R D II; s u CHAT ST, C. The poynts confiderable in the wordsare,: Fiat ofall, that Crifl wasrich, 5 Examples for- cible, Example more prevalent then precepts. There is no queftion to bemade of this truth, Chrift was rich, becaufe hee was the fecond A a 3 Perfotn Doll,z o Chrift uvas rich.