Rickes vvhat? pfal. 34. Uf:the Aiches ofChrif$.. Perfon in Trinity, the Soone of God, the Heire of Heaven, and earth, rich every way : When he was poore, he was God then, though he cover, ed his God-head with the vayle of humanity, with our bafe and beggerly nature that he took upon him, hee was alway rich. But efpecially this hath reference to what he was before he tooke our nature, he was rich, becaufe hewas God , and indeed God onely is rich topurpofe, independently, and eternally rich . Riches im- ply (among other things) plenty, and plenty of precious, and good things, and propriety, they muff bee good things that are our owne. Chria had plenty of excellent things, and they were his owne, he was not onely -rich in trea. fare, as he faith, goldis mine, and [liver ismuse, but heaven and earth that containesall treafures are his : The earth is the Lords, and the fislne e thereof, and it is he that made the heavens ; hee that made heaven and earth mull needs be rich, nay if there were neede, he can make a thousand heavens, and earthes, hee is not onely mighry, but Alinighty, not onely fufficient,: but Alfufñ- cient, he can doe what may bedone, hecan doe what hebath done, and more thenhe hath done, and more then we can conceive, hee can remove all difficulties that hinder him, he is rich in pow er, and wifedorne, every way. Thepoynt is ve- ry large, but it is nor fo pertinent to the text to Phew what he was in himfelfe, but what hee was for our fakes, therefore L will bee fhortei in it. H.°nce !