Of the Çiches of Chrift. H:nce then you fee that Chrift was, before hee was exhibited , hee did good before he ap- peared, hee was rich bcforehe Cooke our nature upon him, hee was God before bee was man: Againfl the turfed heretic of (.4r±us, (which I will not now rake up againe) but undoubtedly you fee here a good ground of that grand Ar- ticle of our faith, Chrift was God before hee Cooke ournature: hee carne, therefore hee was be- fore hee came, he was fent, therefore he was be- forehe was Pent, he was God, before hee was God manifeft in the felh; In Phi/.2. 6. it is larg- ly, and excellently fet downe. Let the fame mincie bee in you that was in Chrifl lefus, who being in the forme ofGod, thought it noe robbery to bee e- quail with God, but bee was made ofno reputation, hee tooke upon him theforme of a rervant ,and was made in the likeneffe of mars, hee was found in the ofman , he humbled himfelfe , and bctame obedient to death , even to the deathof the Crofe, therefore God bath highly exalted him, andgiven him a name aboveall names . It is a large Corn ment , and explication upon this text, hee was God, lice thought it no robbery to bee equall with God. The Divels C which were Angels before they fell) would be Gods by ufurpation , and robbery, they were not content in the place they were in , but they would be Gods , inde- pendent of themfelves, it was robbery for them to doeit, therefore from that high ,placeof ex- cellency they were throwne downe to the low- A a 4 eft Chrift cod before he was mau. Arius. Pbil.'-:G