Of the 'Riches of thrill. Mediator before hee came in the flefh , becaufe hee undertookc to his Father to difcharge the office. But Chrifl being God,was it needfull that he (hould become poore, might not an Angell , or Come other creature have ferved for the worker No , God being rich muff becomepoore, or elfe hee had not beetle able to bring us backe againe to God ; It is an ad ofDivine power to bring us backe againe to God, and bee that (hall fettleus in a firmer flare then-we had in L./lc/art), mull bee God; To flabli(h us fironger, and to convey grace to us, to make our flare firme, onely -God can doe it . There are fome things in the mediation of Chrifl that belongs to mi- niflery, and fome things to authority,. thole that belong to Miniffery, are to be-2 fërvant, and to die, and that he muff be man for; but there are fome things belong toauthority, and power, as to bringus backe to God, to convey his Spirit to preferveus from Sathan` our great enemy, for thefe worker- ofauthority,it was re- quifite he fhould be God . In a word, the great - ncife of the ill we were in,required it: who could deliver us from the bondage of Sathan,but God e he muff bee fironger then the flrong man that muff drive him-out :who could know our fpiri- tuall wants,the terrours of our confcience , and Neale, and conifórt them, but Godby his Spirit e Who could free us from the wrath of the. great God, but he that was equall withGod' And then in regard of the great good wee have rre.a. Anfn,. nur Mediator muff be God. Y for the greatneßè of the ill wee. were in. z In'reg+rd of the goodwee have by km.