01 pea. 2, Chrift became poore. Uf the T iches of Chrift. have by him , to rettore us to freindihip with God , and ro preferve us in that ftate, to convey all necefiary grace here , and tobring u; to glo- ry {after, it was ncceffary he fhould bee God; therefore he was rich , and became poore; his rather to bee admired then expreft, theinfinire comfort that fprings hence, that hee that bath undertaken to reconcile us , to makeour peace, to bring us toheaven is God the fecond perfon in Trinity. All the three perfons had a. hand in this worke, God the father 'lent -lim , and the Holy Ghoft fan&ified that mare that his body was made of ; but hee himfelfe wore the body . The father gives his Tonne in marriage, the Sonne married our nature, and the HolyGhoft brings them both together, hee fandified our nature, and fitted it for Chrift to take, fo though all three perlons had a worke in it, yet God the fecond perfon of rich became poore; And indeed who was fitter to bring us to the love ofGod, then he that was his beloved Sone who was fitter toreftore us to the Image of God , then he that was the Image of God him. felfe e and to make us wife, then he that was the wifedome of God himfelfe ? there was in- finite wifdome in this; I will not be largerin that poynt; Chrift was rich. Thenext thing I obferve is this,that Chriat became poore. The poverty of Chrift reacheth from hisin- carnation