Of the .011erty of Wtft. I $ T became l uo 5:kre.tooke upon him oïr filature, and by cOmmul11011 'with that nature, 'het: -i v e uponhimwhatfoever was penal!. that bëk g d to rim:, t hough he tooke nor,nor could cletriertTiA inttdtÁ frirae for ris 3' wee Gjnnothave a greatcr at ;umeraw.ok Ct:¡rifls poverty, then to bee tirade finnefdr- vssfnne is the p. oreft thing in the ::world,,aiid theckufe'6f a.11'b ggery,and.poverty, ;iïxl-iñtiér lteivis tir.tdeunder the law , and ío be anie a`e&f 'fát us,° hee was ,made finnc, a fa., crrfree for,cdu rifinna::Inparticular, hee was bime of at ponre-Virgin and inflead of a better place, hei4atilatdinan,Innel, and in:the bafe[t place in 'the Innk ,-ita The manger, :As!foone as bee was 'borne, his birth was- revcaled tb'poore Siep- beards, 'not' toEcnperours, tstsdKings , not to Gafar' c t Rome, Then prefently attec his hi th her was Ivnifhed-to ether with his n o,thek,int.o ,zEppt When :hee. anlehome-againe, flee, was faine ro be beholding to a porewoma for a cup Of waver, i h.4. when het was thrifty,. Againe, Whenhe was topay trihute,he badnot tit/therewith tó p2fy ir;but was faine; (as it were:) to hehellod. ibg to a fifhfor it . And thoughhe made heaven, and earth, yrt he had nohabirarion of his ownne; The Foxes had hobs , and the Birds ofthe pyre had refit, bait the Scnne of man hadrintrahere tt.lay (sis head When.hee. was to ride in panipe ro.tertifa -. lem, he hadnot a lteafl of his oA'ne, bee was faint' to f:nd for , and rideupon another mans Affe, all his life it wasa slateofpoverty. S':rtica!zrs of 6 lzri:',s povea- y. Iúhn.4,