Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Of the povertyofChiift. He was poore in death efpecially: for w,hprlife is gone, all is gone, hegave himfeie to death/Or its: in deathhe was poore every.way , they f}ripped him of all his cloathes , he had not fo much as a garment tocover him : he waspoore andddeflit11tg in regard of friends , they allforíooke, him.wen hee had need of themmolt ofall, as he foretold that they all fhould leave him . And ashe was thus poore in rcfpeet ofhis body , and condition; fo he was poor ïn foule (in fomc relpe ts)and in- deed the greatefl.povertywas there,for thegreat- eft riches that Chrifl efemed,it was thebleffed communion that hee had- with his father, which was fweeter to him then all things in heaven , and earth , when his father hid his face fromhim,that . he felt his difpleafüre (becomming our furety) in the garden before hisdeath, the fenfe ofGods difpleafure againt finaffected him fo deepely,that he fweate waterandblood,hewas fopoore (want- ing the comfort of his fathers love) that an An- gell , his owne creature was faine to come, and comfort him. Andat his death whenhe hung up- on the Croffe (befides the want ofall earthly comforts) wanting the fenfe of that fweet -love that heal way enjoyedbefore,it madehim cryout, my God, my God, why haft thoufortakenme? not that indeed God had forfaken him , in regardofpto- teidn, and fupport, or in regard of love, and fa- vour; but in regardoffolace, and comfort thathe felt before, in regardof the fenfeofdivine jullice being then upon him that flood furety for finne. When he was dead he had noTombe ofhis own to