Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

Of thepoverty o fChrifl. `to lie in, hee was faine to lie in another mans Tombe , and then he was held under the captivity of the grave three dayes, fo that fromhis birth to hisdeath,there is nothing but a raceofpoverty. And(which aeds to this abafement of Chrift) it was from an excellent condition to fo lowa (fate ; aswe fay , It is a miferable thing for a man to have beenehappy , it makes him morefenfible ofhis mifery ; then in other men : for Chrift who wasalway in the.prefcnce,and favour ofheaven,to come into the Virgins wombe, for him to hand in neede ofthe neceffitiesof this life, for life to die, for riches to become poore, for the glory of heaven,and earthtobe abafed, for the Lordofall to become a fervant to hisowne fervants, it mutt needs bee a great abatement to him that was fo ,highly advanced to become fo poore. But though Chriftbecame thus poore, yet bee ceafednot then to be rich, but that his riches was vayled withour fiefh. The Sunne thoughhe bee kept from our fight by clouds,he is the Sunne(till, and bath his owne proper luftre (till, bee is as glo- rious inhimfelfe asever he was, though he benot fo to us: fo Chrift vayled hisdivinity under our humanenature,andvnder our mifery, hee became man, and a curie, therefore though hee were the So»ne ofrigbteoufneffe,glorious in himfelfe, yet to appearance he was otherwife,he becameFoore. ThePapifis would have him a begger . Ecllar- mine to countenancebegging Friers, would have Chrift tobee fo ; it is a difgracefull falle conceit. If wee divide hislifebefore hee was thirty yeares old Aggravation of Chuffs po. verty. Chri(is riches vaileó in his poverty. Simile. Chrikt no beg- ger. Bellaryaipe