Cr. rtf Poverty{orus.e old that hee was invefted into his office, he lived' withhis parents in thatcalling , and ft bmitted to them , he was no bagger afterward he livedby mini{iring the Word of God., and this was not; Elcemozinaric, but honour it is not Charitythat is given to Governors (efpecially Minitiers) it is not aimes to receive temporali things for fpiri- tuall , but it is due: Betides, he had fomewhat of his owile , hee had a bagge (and .ruaas wasgcicici enough to carry it) hetgave ro the pobre, there, fore he was not a begger : for he thatcame to full fill the law would not breakethe Law. The law forbids beggers,itwas oneof tYtojes Lawes.There Jball not be a begger amongyou ; fo much breifiy ,f of that, Cbriji wasrich ,andbecamepoore. The next point, is the parties for whom this was. Doft. 3. Chrifis Pover tyour tiches. Foryourfkes. Why loth not the Apoille fay for our fakes, and fo takehimfelfe in the number: He applies it to ferve the Argument in hand, being to Itirreup the Corinthians to bounty , hee tells them ehrift was pore for theirfakes , that they might bee al- lured of their falvation by Chrift ;that his exam- ple might bemore eEfeL`tuall:the example ofthofe whom wee have intereft in is effe6luall, therefore he faith , for your Ekes bee became poore . This thould teach us whenwë fpeak of al to labour for a fpirit of application, ro appropriate Chritt unto our felves,or elfe his example will not move US;