ehYft$ ToVerty fit to, us; as without applicationwee can have no good by him, fo we can have nocomfort by his exam- (ple, it is not prevalent, unleffe wee can fayas the Aped; etothe corinahians here, for your fakes. Againe for your fakes, not for himfelfe, he be- came not poorer()make himfelfe richer, hee did nor merit for himfelfe, what neede beet' for by vertue of the union of the humane nature with the God-head, heaven wasdue to him at the hrfr' moment, as Toone as heewasborne 9 what fhould hinder him '' had he any fnofhis ownl.No, there was nothing tokeepe him from heaven,and all the joy that could be,in refpe4t of himfelf: but hehad out falvationto worke, he had many things todo, and fifer, and therefore of his infiniregoodneffe he was content that that glory that was due to him fhould be flayed, he becamea fervant toap- peafe his Fathers wrath for us,andprocure heaven forus, tat us men, for us finders, as it is in the an- cient Creed, and as the Prophet faith,tn is a child is borne, tous a Bonne ingiven : for us he was borne, for us he was given, for us he lived, for us hedied, for ushe is now inheaven: for us'he b,ambled him- felfete death,even to the deathefthe crefTe, to acarted death, Therforewhen we heare ofchrrfispoverty,' let us think, this is for me, not for himfelfe,& this will increafe our love,and our thankfulncs tohim. Againe, it was for us,for mankinde, not for An. gels,for when they fell,rhey continue inthat lapf- ed flare for ever :this advanceth Gods love tous more then tothofcnoble creatures the .dngels,who'i romaine in their turfed condition to all eternity. B b The Not for him- felff, Not for An grils.