Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

18 (brills poverty for us. Chrihs pover- The end ofChrifts becommingpoore. ty to makeus That wee through his poverty might bee made rich. rich. uefi. How are wee made rich by the poverty, and abafement of Chrift ? L4nfv. By the merit of it, and by Efficacy flowing fromChrift : forby the merit ofChrifts poverty, there iflued fatisfattion to divine jaftice, and the obteyning ofthe favour ofGod,notonely for the pardon ofour.fins ; but favour and grace to bee entituled to lifeeverlafting : and then-by efficacy we are enriched by the power ofhis fpirit, who altereth,and changethour natures, &makes them like tothe divinenature. c tteJ1, But more particularly, what be the riches that we have by the povertyofChrift Firft our debt mutt be paid before wee could niw bee enriched, wee are indebted forour foules, what riches we haveby and bodies, wee did owe more then we were Chrift. worth, we were under Sathanskingdome ;there- Our debts fore Chrift difcharged our debt. There is adouble difchargcá debt that he difcharged, the debt ofobedience,& thedebtofpuniíhmenr, Chrift fatisfied both, for the debt ofobedience, he fulfilled the lawperfe-- ly, and exaEtly forus, andfor thedebt ofpunifh. ment heefuffereddeath for us, and fatisfied divine juftice, Toby his povertywee are made rich, by wayoffatisfa.ion for our debts. And not onely wee are made rich by Chrift payingofour debts, but he invefts us into all his owne riches, hemakes us rich, partly by imputa- tion, partlyby infufion. By