Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

()rifts Poverty for us. By imputation, his righteoufneffe, and obedi- ence isours, his difcharge for our debts is impu- tedtous, and likewife his righteoufneffe for the attainingofheaven: he having farisfied for our finnes, God is reconciled to us, and thereuponwe are juftified,and freed fromall our finne s, becaufe they are punifhed in Chrift : for the juftice ofGod cannot panïfh one fin twife, fowe come tobee re- conciled, becaufe we are Fiftified,andwe are jt fti- fiedfrom our fins,becaufe Chriftasa furety halo difcharged the full debt-. And hence it is that wee are freed from all that is truely ill, from thewrathofGod, and eternall damnation, and freedome from the greateft ill, hath refpedof thegreateft good:for what had we Beene, ifwehad lien under that curledcondition e But Gods workesare compleat, hee workes like a God, therefore we arenot onely freed from evill in juttification, but intitled to heaven, and life everlafting. Acid then he makesus rich by infufion of his holy Spirit,byworking all needfull gracesoffan- &ficationinus,for by theverrueof Chrifts death the fpirit isobtained, andby the fpirit our natures are changed : fo wee have the riches of holineffe fromChrift, the graces oflove, of contentment, of patience,& courage,&c.of hisfidnejf"ewe receive grace for grace, grace anfwerable tothe grace that is inhim,the famefpirit that fanaifiedhis humane nature , and knit it to his divine, it fanetifiethdiis members, and makes them rich in grace, and fan- diftcation which isthe belt riches. Bb a Then 19 We are rich by imputation. Ey iafuGqt.