Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

> io In prerogatives Adoption. CI rifts Poverty for u6. Then againe, wee are rich inprerogatives, we are the fonnes of God by adooption, what love (faith the Apoftle)bath theFather:Il enaed,that wee fhouldbe calledthefonner ofGod ? and this wee have by the poverty of Chrift: whatfoever Chrift is by nature,we areby grace;he is theSonneofGodby nature, we are his fonnes by grace; andbeing ions, we are heires, heires ofheaven, and heires of the world, as much as 'hall ferve for our good, all things are ours by vertueofour adoption, becaufe we areChrifts, and Chrift is Gods : there is a world ofriches in this, tobe the fonnes ofGod. And what a prerogative is this, that we have liberty, and boldueffe to the throne ofgrace, as it is Ephef. 3. that wee have boldneffe to appeare be- fore God,to call him Father, to "open our necefli- ties,tofetchall things needfull, to have the eare of the Kingofheaven, and earth, to be favourites in the court of heaven every Chriftian may now goe boldly to God, becaufe the matter of diftance, our Canes, which make a feparationbe- tweene Godandus,they are taken away, and the mercy ofGod runs amaine to us, our nature in Chrift ftanding pure andholybefore God. And then wee have this grand prerogative, that all things fliall turn to the bell touu what a priviledge is this thatthere fhould be ableffing in theworft things,that the worft things to a child ofGod fhonld bee betterthen the belt things tc others, that thewant, and povertyofa Chriftian fhould bebetter, then the richesof the world e be- caufe there is riches hid in his wort' condition : Moles Liberty to the throne of grace. Efhef. 3. All things turned to good.