Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

is?oertyor. condition ;:Mo/s.efke.emed.the rebuke, of .Chriît, greater riches -then the tteafuresloE ypt. A croffeoröthe want Hof any ;bleffrng fan tihed, is better theuthe.thingenjoyed that hath not Gods blefhng with:it.; a IChriftian is fo rich that bee is bleffedinhisvery-afflidtions ,Rand fuffetings: it is agreater prerogative to have ill turned --to or good, then not to have the ill at :all. It is an argument ofgreater power,andof greater good neffe, chat God ethegreateft ills, the greatefì wrongs, and difcomforts,to-thegreateft good, as he doth tohischildren :for by them.hee drawes them nearerto himfelfe. Hereupon the A-po.ftlefaith, :alithings are yours, .things. .pxefent, trhingst.ocome, &c:. redativelythey:are ;ours, Goclturnestheinto:ourgood,he.e ttra55good to us by them ; all good thingsa-re -ours in ;a :direâ courfe,attrl-orherthingsby. an; over-rulingpower, arededuced.toour good, ctantrß;ry-o theinatureof thethings themfelucs. What, did I fay: fall, things are ours? yea-God -himfelfe:isours) -än4hehath all things,that hathhim that hail .all.things :,now, in Chrift, God) himfelfe.isbecome ours - areyours,yoe erechrifsandchr j Oodri ,nd Rom. ;.. io, we rejoyceiri God, asours,: ifGod. beours hisalfufficiency is ours,. hispower is ours, hiswif- dome, ailis outs.for, our.corirfort. iAgaiinefiatglory¡therrtibds-of .heaven,(which areefpeeiall.y here meant;;) the riches -for the: time: tocome, yet faith makes them. prefent :r:wlren.byfaiih:wee Tookeup-' ontherproomifes wefee:ourfiites,i'n heaven, rr.4Prl Bb 3. onelyi Rorx. ;. Io. Richesof .glo ry