Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

22 C1ijis Poverty for u . onely in Chriít o.;r head,bL;t in our own perfons, becaufe we are as lure tobee zhere,as if we wet( there already: but for the jcyes ofheaven they arc unutterable, the Apoftle calls them, Ep ie(. 3. 8. unfiarchahle riches, eye bathnotfeene , norcare hath .epbef. 3 s. heard, or barbentred into the heart ¿[man to conceive the things that Godhash prepared for them that love him : there Thal l he fulneffcofglory, in foule, and f body, both fill!' beconformable to Chritt. (4t the right handofCod, there isfulneffe ofjoy,andplea firesfor evermore, Firii fruitsof Nay the firft fruits, *he carnet, the beginn ngs glory` ofheaven hereare unfearchabletto humane rea fon the riches of Chrifts rghceoufnes imputed to us, he glorious riche-s of his Spirit, in inward peace of confcience, andjoy in the Holy Gheff the com- fort and inlargement ofheart in al conditions,it is peace thatpalish underftooding and joy anfpeakeable, :,nd glorions,ir is notonly unfearchable to humane rcafon, but Chriffians thcmfelves that have the Spirit ofGod inrhem, cannot fearch thedepthof them, becaufe wee have thefpirit but in meafute; we fee then what excdlent richeswee have by the poverty ofGhrift. ,ef Was here no other way tomake us rich but byChr fts becotnming poo(c e Anfv. God ;n his infinite wifedome ordeyned this, we are inrich- edbyChri4s way, he thought it belt, wee rraly tell in that ;but poverty. betides to ftay our IDindes the better, wewere to t Becattre vvge be reftored by a way contrary to that we fcli,wee foi bypride. £ell by pride; wee muff be ref-toted by h+ :m lity,, wee would bee like Go .1), G o D to expiate it