(brills Poverty for us. it mutt become like us, and cake our nature, and suffer in it. Then againe, God would rettore us by away fixable to hisownexcellency every way, where- in noAttributeofhis might be a loafer: he would bring us to riches and friendship with him , by a wayoffatisfa&on to his juttice, that wee may fee his justice thine in our falvation(though ind à grace, andmercy triumph moll of all, yet not - withilanding) juttice mutt bee fully contented. Therewas do otherway wherein weecould mag- nifie fomuch the unfearchable, and infinite wife- domeofGod (that the Angels themfelves prie in- to) whereby jufticeand mercy feemìng contrary Attributes in God,are reconciled in Chrift by in- finite wifèdome, juftice,and mercy mece toge- ther, and kiffe. one another, juttice being fatisfied, . wifedome isexalted abut whet let wifedom,° on worke :' thegrace, and love, and mercy of God, todevife this way to fatisfie jutlice, it could no have beetledone any other way : fori before we could be made rich, God muttbe fatisfed:recon ciliation fuppofeth fatsfation, and there could' bee no farisfwetionbut by blood, and there could bee noequall fatisfa4tion , but by the blood of filcha perfonas was God. Therefore Chrift muf becomepoore tomake us rich, becaufe there rr.utt bee fullfatìsfaáionto divine juttice, and all his precious povertybefore his dea h, his incarnati- on, hiswanr,hisbeing afervan:, ere. all waspart ofhis gener ill humiliation, but it was but topre- pare him for his lait worke, the upfhot ofall, )gb 4 hit z We mutt be rebored by fausfadior+.