24 Elfe we could not have the fpirit. No r;chcs by Chrift without union. Chri.Fts Poverty for us. is death, which was the worksof fatisfa6tion. Againe, all the inherentpart of our riches, in- fufed into our nature, it comes by the Spirit of God: nowthe Spirit of God had not beene fent,if God had not beene fatiffied, and appealed fir(t : becaufe the holy Ghoft is thegift ofthe Father, and t he Son, he comes from both ; therfore there mull be fatisfaOion, and reconciliation before the Holy Ghoit could be given, which inrichethour nature immediately; the immediate caute offend- ing the HolyChoi}, it is Chrifts coinming in out nature : Now if God had not beene fatisfied in his jultice, hewould never have given the Holy Choft which is the greateft gift nextto Chrift,therefore Chrtfl becamepore to make its rich , that weemight have the Holy Gho.ît flied in our hearts. Nów al there riches that we have byChrif, it fuppofethunionwithhimby faith,as the riches of the wife fuppofeth marriage ; union is the ground ofall the comfort we have by Chrift ; our corn- muniòn fprhigs from union with him, which is begun ih effetuall calling, is Toone as we are taken out ofold t.ìidam, and ingrafted into him, all be- comes ours. Chriftprocures the fpirit, the fpirit workès aitti fai'thunitsus to Chrift, and by this ur ibn We have coremuniortof all the favours of this life and'the life to come:therefore I fay all is grounded upon unionby the grace Offaith. Chrift married our Patine that we might be, married to himbyhis fpirit and umill there be a tunioNtbere is noderivation ofgrace, and cmfort. The head oiielÿ "hath'influencerothe ìiiretnbers that areknit unto