Chrifis Poverty for u . unto it: therefore Chrift took: our nature, that he might not onely be a head ofeminency(ashe is to Angels) but a head of influence: Now there muff be aknitting of the members to the head, before any fpirits can bee derived from the head to the members: therefore the Apoffle faith,that Chrift is our riches: but it is as he is in us, To whom God would makeknow e, what is the riches ofthismyfiery among the Gentiles : aryl inyou the hope ofglory. Chritt is all to us, but is is as he is in us, and we in him,wemuff be in him as the branches in theVine, and he in us as theVine in the branches : fo Chrift is thehope ofglory,as he is in us. We mutt labour therefore by faith ro bee made one with Chrift before we can thinkof thefe things withcomfort. Andwhenby faith weare made one with Chrift, then there is a fpirituall communion ofall things. Nowuponour union with Chrift, it is good to think what ill Chrift bath taken uponhim for me, and then to thinke my felfe freed from ir, becaufe Chrift that tooke ironhim , bath freed himfelfe from it : whatfoever he is freed from, I am freed from it,it can no morehurt methen it canhurthim now in heaven : therefore when I thinke offirm, andhell, anddamnation, and wrath,I fee my felfe freed from it in Chrift, he became Poore to taket his away fromme, my fins were laid on hire, and bee is¡unified and acquitted from themall, and from death,and the wrathofGodchat he'underwcnr,and I am acquitted in him by vertue of my union; withhim, and the Divell can no more prejudice' the filvatiónofa believer, thenbecan pull Chrift our ofheaven. And Cela/: I. 2.7. Ft eedom from evill byChriíl.