26 ( O)tErfs pEwrty r tls. Conveyance of all good . And as wce fee our fr ives ti erd from all ill in Chrift, fo forall good, fee it in h:m,fir t, and con- veyed by him to us : whatfoever ht e bath, I (hall have, he is rifen, and afcended, I (hall therefore rife, and afcend, and fit at the t i ht hand of God for ever with him, wee /hall be for ever with the Lord :1et us fee our riches in him, he isrich firft as theheador firft fruits,and thenwee as the lumps afterwards, the firft huits were fantified, and then the lumpe, the firft fruits are glorious, and then the reft after;whatfoeverwe Tooke fork' our felves, fee it in him firtt, and then the confidera- don ofa Chriftian condition , is a comfortable confideration. Take a Chriftian in all conditi- ons what foever, ifhebe poore, Chrift w s poore for him, that his poverty might not bee acurie to him: ifhebepoore, Chriftwas rich to make h;m richin the befit riches, and to take the fling out of poverty, and to turne it tohis good : if he be aim- fed, Chrift was abafed for him, to fan&fie his abafemenr ; let us labour ro fee thecurie taken a. way inevery thing, and not onely fo, but to fee a bleffing inall, bring made .curs, and then it will bea comfortableconfideration. But it may bee objected ; wee fee no fuch thing, wefee Chrittians are as pooreas others e The beltriches ofa Chriftian are unfeene, they are unknowne men, as wee fay ofa rich man that makes no thew of his riches, hee is an unknowne man. It is laid of Chrift, all the riches of wwijedonve are bidinaril!, that that is hidden is not feene, fu the riches of a Chriftian they are hidden. As Caritl objcil. An/i. Chrìfàians mittshidden.