Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

(brios Poverty forus. Chrrft was rich when he was upon earth, hee was rich in his fathers love,and in all graces, but it was ahidden riches, t hey rooke him to be a Poore or. dinary man : fo a Chriftian hee is a hidden man, hisriches are hid, hehath an excellent life, but it isa hidden life,our life is hidwith Ehri/f in God,ir is not obvious to the eye ofthe world, nor to him felfeoft times in the timeof defertion, and temp- t ration. But you will fay; for outward things wee fee Chri(tians are Poore now, as there were poore ChriftiansinSaint Pads time. It is nogreat matter; theriches we have, efpe- cially by. Chria, are fpirituall in grace here, and gloryhereafter; heecame to redeeme our foules herefrom finne,and mifery,and bee will hereafter come to redeeme our bodies and invefl them into the glory thatwe have title tonow by him. Yet alto for outward things a Chriftian is rich, though they beenot the maine, yet they are theviaticum,provifion in his journey, and he (hail have enough tobring him toheaven,feare not lit tleflocke, it is yourfatherswills®give inn a kingdome, Purely ifhe willgive them a kingdome, they that! nor want daily bread , upon feeking the king- dome ofGod there things (hall bee calf in unto them. Againe, put cafea Chriftianbee poore, hee is rich in Chrift,and he beares the rude, what if. childhave no money inhispurfe, his father pro- vides all neceffaries for him, bee is rich as long as hisfather is rich ; and canwe be poore as long as Shrift odjeil. císn(w Chrifilans riches chiefly fpitïtuall. Chrisl pro- vides forhis.