Grills Poverty for ws. Chrift is rich, being fo neere us, being our head ? we (hall want nothing that is needefull, and when it-is not needful!, andfor our good, we were bet- ter bewithout it. Want ofout- Aga inc, hemutt needs be rich, whofepoverty, wart comforts and croffes are made riches, to him. God never fapptied. takes away,or vvitholds outward bicffings from his children,but hemakes-it up inbetter,in inward; theygaine by all their loffes, and grow rich by their wants : for howmany are there inthe world that had not beetle fo rich in grace,if they had had abundanceofearthlythings e fo that-choLagh they beepoore in theworld, theyarerich to God, rich ingrace, rich infaith, as Saint lames :faith : The greateftgrievances and ills in theworld turne to a - Chriflians,fickneffe, and fhame , and;death : the Simile. Spirit-ofGod is like the Stone that men talke -fo of, that turnes all intogold,it teachethus tomake afpirituall ufeand toextract comfort our ofevery thing,the.worif things the%can Puffer in the, world, all things areours (as 'I ftid before) even Statham himfelfe, the Spirit of God: helpes us to make good.ufe ofhis temptations to -cleave :fditer=to the founraineofgood. . Chrittians rich Againe, :though.a'Chriftianbeepoore, yet h c inpromifes. hath:rich promifes, and faith plats thofepromifes in fuite, and preffeth Godwith them . If armati havebonds, and obligations ofa r.icbman, hee thinkes hin felfeas rich asthc fe bonds:amount: to. There isno=Chriftian but bath a rich faith, :. and richprom ifes'fromGod, and when he (tirres :up hisfaith, he canput thole promifes . in fuite (if it be