(brills Povertyftr.rcc. be not his owne fault) inall hisneçefzies:therfore a Chriftian cannot be fo pooreas to be miferable. I know flefh and blood meafureth riches after another manner. But is not he richer that bath a fount aine,then he that bath but a cefterne e Aman chat is not a Chriftian though he be never'fo rich, he bath but a cefterne, his riches are but few, they areToone fearched : but a Chriftian though he bee Poore, his riches are unfearchable. An other 'man, though he be a Monarch, his riches may bee . reckoned, and caft up, it is but acefterne, and Inch richesas he cannot carry withhim:but a Chriftian hath a fountaine, a Mine that is unfearchable in the rich prom i fesof God. Againe, a Chriftian though hee bee never fo poore, yet hee hath a rich pawne, faith Saint Paul, if heJarednot his owne Sonne, but gavehim to deathfor us all, howPall he not witL him give us all things ? If bee have given us fuck a pawne as CH it r s r, who is riches it felfe, fhall he not with him give us all other things ? we have a pawne chat is a thoufand times better then that we neede: wee want poore outward things, but wee have Chrift himfc.lfefor apawne. Laftly, fornetimes God fees that poverty, and want is this world inpart of our riches, that it is good for us, andwhat isgood for me is my riches; ifpoverty begood forme, I will be poore that I may behumble, humility is better then riches;if I bee in any want , if I have contentment, it is better then riches:if I fall into trouble, he will give mee patience that is better then friends A man 29 Chrifhans havre a rich payvne, Poterry ápart ofour,riches may