Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

ïf z. AChriftians fiate in con. trarics. Cbrils Poverty fortis. may haveoutward things, and be naught : but he thatwants outwardcomfort, and hash fupply in his foule, isit nobetter therefore take a Chri. ítian in any condition he is a rich man, and this richesweehave by thepovertyof Chrift hee le- camepoore that wee-through his poverty might be mad?. rich. We fee here then that a Chriftians eftate is ca tiedunder contraries, as Chrtft was, bee ma rich, andbecamepore; hee: cariedhis riches under pover- ty, hewas glorious, but his glory was covered under flume, anddifgrace : fo it is with a Chri tlian, hegoes forapoore man in the world,but h; ; is rich, hedies,but yet he lives, hee is difgraced in the Ad,- but yet bee :is glorious. As Chrift came fromheaven in a wayof contraries : fowee mutt becontent togoe toheaven in a feeming con- trary way. Take no fcandall therefore at the Teeming poverty, and difgrace, and want of a Chriftian, Chrift himfelfe feemed to bee other- wifeto the world then hee was : when hee was pore , hewas rich,and fometimes he difcovered his Tithes : there werebeames brake forth even in his bafett eftate, when he died, there was nothing ftrongerthen Chrifts feeming weakneffe, in his loweft abatement hedifcovered the greate(t pow- ; er ofhis Godhead : forhe fatisfied the, jnftice cf God, he overcame death, and his Fathers wrath, he triumphed over Sathan, heetrod co his head, (what hashSathan to doe with us when. Gods j iftìce is fatisfied) fo that his hidden glory was difcovered fometirnes 5 fo there is that appeases; in