Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9318.S45 L5 1638

3 2 Chrifis t overtyfor . bafèd forhim, to doe any thing for him, hee de fcendedfromi heaven to thegrave, as low as. bee :couldfor us : let us defcend from our conceited greatneflê for him,canwee lofe fò much for him, ,.s he bathdone for use what areour bodies, and foules in comparifonof God r It was God that became poore for us wee cannot part with fo :much for him, as he did for us. And thenwe are gainers by him if wee part with all the world, whatfoever wee doeforhim, l will beytimore vile fortbeLord,faith .David, hee became vile: for us, he became a (inner, andofno reputation, áeid (hall not we bevileand empty for him e certainely: we shall ifwehave theSpirit ofChrifl in us, it will worke a conformity.. If bee had ftood upon termes, and difdeyned the Virgins, and ro become poore for us , where had our falvation beenc e and if we Hand upon termes-when wee are to fuffer for him or to Rand for his caufe where will our.comfort be :'. furelyit is a figne wee have no right by the povertyof Chrifi, unleffe wee:bee corment topart with our iraac,with the belt things . we have, when he calls for it. If' we bench Againe,hath the poverty of Chritt made . us by Chas po- vsrty,,;,uch rich; ,, what will his riches doe Could flee faveus nìore by hit when bee was at t+he loweft, when hee was on the idchtz. Crofl'e, and.fatisfie divine juftice by his death what can hedoe for us now het is in heaven, and bath triumphed overall his enemies er what can we looke for nowby his riches, that have.fomuch o by his p.-werty e therefore we may reafon with moan s the Apof ie, Rom. 5. i.o. if when we were energies roe