34 Not to defyife men for po- verty. ' iieb,is.;S. Chrifts Poverty for us. preferve us to life everlafting. We are Ikepr by Ì thepower of God, to that glory that Chrift bath purchafed by his death. Therefore why.fhould we feare(for the time to come)falling fromgrace or thewant of that that is good; is not Chrift able tomaintaine that that he bathgotten:. Wet us raife our hearts with this confideration, what Chrift can doe now in glory, when his poverty coulddo thus much. Againe: let us,defpifeno'manfor hispoverrr for Chrift was poore to makeus rich:andas shore that defpifed Chrift,and efteerned himnot,but hid theirfaces from him, becaufe he grewupas a root out ofa dry ground,becaufe therewas no .beatty in him,that is,becaufeof his poverty becaufe he was a Carpenters fonne, they defpifed by this means the Lord of Glory : fo thofe that defpifed his podremembers afterward that ;tundraupand . down infheepskins andgoatskins, beingdestitute and afflilled,they defpifed Gods jewels, his choice fa- vourites,of whom the worldwarsnot wonky. Let not thebrother of lowdegreebe cart down,becaufehe is poore; nor let not the brother ofhigh degreebe lifted up,becaufc he is rich: forif riches had been the bellthing, Chrift would have been outward- ly rich:but Chrift was poore, to Phew us what are thebeft riches, and that theriches of this World arcbut things'by the by, Seek the kingdomof God, and allother things hal becaft onyou, byway ofad- dition and fupplement. The true richesof a Chri- ftian are fpirituall ; Chrift did not become poore to make us rich in this world , tomake us Kings and