r Chriis Poverty¡or xa. añd Emperous,.and Great Menhere, but tomake us rich fpiritually, andto have fuch a moity of earthly things, as may ferve as a Viaticum to bringus to Heaven: themaine riches ofa Chrifti- mate fpiritualland` eternal! in grace and glory. Inpopery they live as it Chrift came to make them Lords ofthe World ; to ufurpe jurifdi Lion over Kings andPrinces : Chrift came to make us rich.in:anothermanner- $. fever faith, Silver and goldhhvéinone, ä but his fui effors cannot fay fo. Chriftcame notas a fervant to make us Lords here: much leffe tofetus at libertyto liveafter the flcfh, andco doe what ,we 'di No, the endof Qhtitconimiflgwaso rake away Antic, to de- ftropthat wòrkes-;af tote;:0011. Thg cQtntnon courfeacthis time, andBevel hpraettfeof many, t .verturnesthe endofChriftscomming, as if he garde Oti to;deftroy ;hut to letlode the. uórkcof the:IDçrvitl,sd let tis loofeltoaillicentiatinefrekhe came to bring us toGad,anii notto give us Tiber- nytirmintfesiorutine furs# rfromGod. But that by t6e~*ay., :IChrift (as i ffid)çátne not tomale tas rirkinxhet ings:oit,vhisilifer (kgdoe but con. Elder a:liitluofrrutwartlrricge$yírhá4gthey F,' rTJgáte notour owne,as Chtilt:fai h,Luk.=6: { We arebut&ewards, and we; mutt ,give: á ftrici acctirnt cre löng hbwwe baveu!ecl thern.; bnAridas rheyareiaot ear owúne, fo, they, re net true riches; beccaufe they makenot us rich.. Wee ufually call a poorem.a:ka ,poore foule; a poore { foule may- bearich.Chrií{iati,andarich.man may laavesa poore foule, naked and empty of fpi- Cc z rituall 35. Chris came not topurchafe outward riches Dígrefl'ionà concerning the . featl ofChaffs biattrycp. 8 Theyare not our omone, Luke t 6, They arenot truerues.